Seascape. East Frisian Islands ed. by Christopher Lehmpfuhl, Hannelore Stamm and Hannes Albers, Kunst-Kabinett Usedom, Benz 2004, 64 pages Indian diary ed. by Christopher Lehmpfuhl, Berlin 2004, 48 pages Christopher Lehmpfuhl in China ed. by Christopher Lehmpfuhl, Galerie Ludwig Lange, Berlin 2003, 32 pages Seascape. Fehmarn - Rügen - Usedom ed. by Christopher Lehmpfuhl, Edition Kunst-Kabinett Usedom, Benz 2002, 48 pages Moments. Paintings1999 – 2002 ed. by Axel Zimmermann, Galerie von Braunbehrens, Munich 2002, 80 pages Paintings 1996 – 1998 ed. by Klaus Fussmann, Berlin 1998, 14 pages Christopher Lehmpfuhl GASAG Art Prize 1998, University of the Arts, Berlin 1998, 28 pages Publications Publications2 Publications3 Publications4 Publications5 Publications6 Publications7 Exhibitions Artfairs Collections